Rahul Kumar - Core Health Partners, CHP

Rahul Kumar

"Rahul is fluent in both Englis and Hindi, providing an advantage in many of the areas of software development and technology"

Rahul Kumar

Technology Innovation Specialist

Bachelor of Technology: Arya College of Engineering and IT

Rahul, origianlly born in India completed his Bachelor ofr Technology degree from Arya College of Engineering and Information Technology in Jaipur, India. Rahul joined the Core Health Partners team with a vast amount of experience, including a full understadning in most all relhms of software development and program integration. His diverse skill set and experaince includes everything from experience in deploying websites to creating and managing full integration of complex management systems.

Rahuls expertise is in developing an understadning for the clients requirements and translating it into actionable plans. He has served as a full stacj developer with a concentaition in maxamizing the flow of the user. Rahual is a software architect who’s past proffesional work includes managing a team of developers. Rahula is skilled in NodelJS, React, Angular, Python, .Net, .Net Core, Relational Datatbase, Non Relational Database, AWS, DevOps,Neo4J, GraphQL, Software Architect.

Chennai, India (May 2024) Paul Thein, Core Health Partners CEO and Rahul Kumar discuss the unique technical needs for a pathway to wellness system of clinical care.