Is your health insurance renewing? Before you start working on your New Year’s Resolutions (and new year’s deductible), did you utilize all your benefits from this year? This is the season when many of us are getting reminders to pick a new health insurance plan. When you do, take stock of how your plan helped (or cost) you in the care you needed this year. Be sure to also take the time to look at what benefits you get for medical treatments beyond a doctor’s visit or hospital stay. What about physical therapy or occupational therapy? Nutrition? Most plans do cover these, but you should get informed about co-pays and how much you will pay before you choose a plan.
Core Health Partners offers what many think of as traditional rehabilitation therapies, but also some you may not have been offered before. Have you heard of aquatic physical therapy? Aquatic physical therapy takes place in a pool with a physical therapist, and can be great for patients with arthritis, as your buoyancy in the water takes stress off your joints. Water also provides resistance, which is called hydrostatic pressure, and helps reduce swelling and improves proprioception. A great benefit to living in Florida is that aquatic physical therapy can be done all year round in heated pools.
Core Health Partners also offers diabetes education, which most insurance plans cover. In our diabetes education program, diabetics can learn about nutrition, how to effectively use their continuous glucose monitoring systems, and tips on physical activity, wellness, and how to prolong their health and longevity. With our team, you can have personalized nutritional education for pediatric needs, women’s health, and men’s health.
Health insurance renewal can feel like a tedious chore to add to everything that needs to be done in the upcoming busy holiday season. It is important, however, to take the time to make sure you can get coverage for the kind of treatments and therapies that will improve your health in the year to come and beyond.