Take Control of this Disease, Or it Will Take Control of You...
Self-Management & Education (DSME)
The DSME program is designed to support and educate those living with type 1, or type 2 diabetes. DSME is covered by Medicare and most all private insurance. For a PDF version of a printable medical referral form, CLICK HERE.
Core Health Partners, CHP offers a unique Diabetes Self-Management & Education (DSME) program that was uniquely designed by clinical and wellness professionals. The goal was simply to provide and pass on the best knowledge, skill, and ability necessary for sustainable long-term diabetes self-care.

Engaging Nutrition Education Led by Knowledgeable Professionals and backed by Medical Science
The CHP group sessions are highly interactive and provides participants the opportunity to put the knowledge and skills gained into action during the group encounter, paving the way to sustainable lifestyle change to assist with the daily self-management of diabetes.
The overall objectives of DSME are to support informed decision making, self-care behaviors and problem solving through collaboration with CHP’s health care team. Through these interactions CHP has proven to improve clinical outcomes, health status, and quality of life for those living with chronic disease.
Initial DSME includes 10-hours of education* and self-management techniques. The 10-hours includes a one-hour session with a registered dietitian and the four group courses (see course descriptions below). With a medical referral your insurance helps pay for the DSME service and each year you qualify for an additional two-hours of maintenance education.
Don’t worry if your schedule conflicts with some of the dates (or times), as you have one-year to exhaust your insurance benefits and our DSME group session classes repeat often. The Core Health Partners group DSME sessions are focused on the following topics:
The Diabetes Alliance Network has established guidelines for persons diagnosed with diabetes. This course will help you understand how to navigate your way through the lifestyle and diet changes needed to make and gain a better understanding of your disease. CHP will help educate you on how to best manage life with diabetes, including how to find the right support you need. Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Monitoring Blood Glucose, Taking Medication, Stress Reduction. This is an introductory session to help prepare you for more in-depth sessions in CHP’s follow up DSME sessions.
“What can I eat?” is the #1 question asked by people with diabetes when they are diagnosed. Many people mistakenly believe that having diabetes means they can no longer eat any carbohydrates. No fruit, pasta, rice, bread, and more. But that’s far from the truth… Because carbohydrates break down into glucose, they have the greatest impact on your blood glucose level. To help control your blood sugar, you may need to learn to calculate the amount of carbohydrates you are eating so that you can adjust the dose of insulin accordingly. It’s important to keep track of the amount of carbohydrates in each meal or snack.
Controlling your diabetes is a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly challenge, but the effort is worth it. Our bodies respond better to lifestyle changes early in the disease process, rather than allowing uncontrolled diabetes to go on for a few years before getting serious about taking care of the condition. Managing diabetes is like a three-way balancing act: The medicines you take (insulin or pills), the food you eat, and the amount of exercise you get all need to be in sync. You’ll live better longer with less risk of problems from diabetes like heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, even blindness. This session will provide strategies and techniques that are proven to be best practices to taking control of the disease.
This session is designed to discuss best practice activities that and are within your budget and concepts and techniques that are focused to help you stick with it. Select a few things that keep you moving (aerobic exercise like walking or swimming) and a few that help you build muscles (like using weight machines or walking with light weights). You will be introduced to some of the best in industry to help you manage a long-term strategy to stay on track and take control.
Our Clinic to Community Model of Service Started with the YMCA

“More people die of diabetes than breast cancer and AIDS combined,” said Marrero, who is himself an insulin-dependent type 1 diabetic. “We’re not a sexy disease —people don’t flame out, they rust out. Education is key, said Marrero. If you’re diagnosed with this, you have to have a master’s degree overnight.”
Dr. David Marrero is a Ph.D. psychologist and former president of the American Diabetes Association. Marrero is credited in developing a YMCA’s pre-Diabetes Prevention Program, (Y-DPP) that was awarded the Health Care Innovation Award by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). These awards provided nearly $12 million over three year period for the Y to conduct a demonstration project in 17 communities across the nation. Marrero’s YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program grew to 10,000 Medicare enrollees, factoring a major cost savings to the nation’s largest healthcare payer. The Y-DPP was adopted to become the National diabetes platform for the Ys across the nation. Today the Y-DPP has expanded to over 200 YMCA who proudly offer Marrero’s prevention program.
Roger Ludwig, the father of child with type 1, had a vision to expand YMCA services beyond the pre-diabetes prevention. Ludwig, a former YMCA volunteer leader, understood the YMCA’s rich history of preventative health programs. Roger a well known philanthropist representing the Weny Charitable Trust wanted a program that included helping those who live with Type 1, or Type 2 diabetes.
The Weny Charitable Trust provided the original seed-money to design a unique diabetes education program for the YMCAs. The uniqueness of the Diabetes Self-Management & Education (DSME) program is integration to deliver it with the walls of a YMCA’s and the expertise delivered through the individual partners.
Help a Diabetic Child (HADC) a 501c3 non-profit jointly participated in the DSME’s design alongside; former YMCA employees, and clinical practitioners from Core Health Partners. Their passion and enthusiasm to strengthen the community through partnerships. Their passion became contagious and expert agencies informally joined their affiliation. By 2018 the collaborative momentum led to the Diabetes Alliance Network (a separate Non-profit), formalizing the agencies in support of those diagnosed with diabetes. These alliance partners now includes the National Wellness Institute (NWI), who is well positioned as a worldwide voice of the diabetes wellness movement. The collaborative work of DAN has led to a unique delivery mechanism that sustains diabetes education and program services in community settings.
By July 2019 the unique diabetes education program designed for YMCAs was complete. on July 1st 2019 The Diabetes Alliance Network, Core Health Partners and the YMCA of South Collier earned Recognition status by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for their efforts. Medicare and most all other private insurances cover the cost of the DSME program delivered through the YMCA. Core Health Partners proudly serves as the preferred clinical provider for this program.
Persons interested in having their Insurance cover the Diabetes Self Management and Education (DSME) courses should print this PDF Medical Referral form and take it to their physician.
The DAN education program is a modular model that is designed to be adapted for different cultures, populations and individuals’ needs. The modular 5-touch DAN (DSME) program format is able to be easily expanded to other YMCAs and community centers Nationwide.
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Watch the GRETCHEN YOUSSEF Interview
“Access to Care”
The DAN program is patent pending. Persons interested in learning how DAN could benefit your community, or YMCA should contact the Senior Executive VP for Advancement & Partnerships, or the Community Liaison for Chronic Disease Programs & Partnerships.

Roger Ludwig (standing) next to Dr. David Marrero the former President of the American Diabetes Association who is credited with developing the National YMCA’s Pre-Diabetes Prevention Program (Y-DPP).
For those living with Type 1, or Type 2 diabetes insurance pays for DSME and MNT
Contact today to see if your insurance covers; up to 10 hours of wellness training
The American Diabetes Association recognizes the education services of Core Health Partners as meeting the National standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education* and Support.
Medicare typically covers Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for persons diagnosed with diabetes.

“Brings the Clinic to the Community through Telehealth”
Core Health Partners Assists Managing Diabetes from the Comfort of Home.

Learn how your insurance will help pay for Diabetes Education.

Bringing the
Clinic to the
Core Health Partners is a National Affiliate Member of the Diabetes Alliance Network (DAN), an organization of National experts who collaboratively serve the complex needs of those living, or caring for, persons living with diabetes (Type I & Type 2).
Core Health Partners and Help a Diabetic Child Foundation (HADC) were the original partners charged to design and implement a strategy for a diabetes self-management and education (DSME) program in the YMCAs. Their work has earned recognition status by the American Diabetes Association and also has earned Core Health Partners the distinction of Preferred Provider by the National Wellness Institute (NWI), the worldwide voice of the wellness community movement (since 1977).